Tuesday, March 30, 2021



plump up on sugar
bust out  your eyes
hypnotized by the screen
for the rest of your lives
puff on those smokes
gobble more pills
dry out the alcohol
your life for cheap thrills
ingest those toxins
inhale those fumes
this Millennial generation
might be headed for doom

Monday, March 29, 2021

The Unborn

I am but a small voice
    in a sea
    of shouting indignation
everyone clamoring
    for attention,
    demanding what is theirs.

But what about me?
    a voice unheard,
         unable to comprehend,
         much less demand ---
    just a passive recipient
         of whatever comes

         from your hand. 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Consequence of Silence

Hatred is scattering its potent seeds
Aimed at tired and indifferent minds
People both too young and too old to care 
Become complacent, cowards, deaf and blind.
See the gloom spreading like an old cancer
Poisoning each and every single thought
With our backs turned and our eyes averted
We go about these endless days aimlessly lost.
Our lips sealed, too scared to be seen or heard
Or else walk about branded as troublemakers
Stir up that pot that nobody wants to taste
Our stomachs grumbling for a deeper hunger.
A taste for good old justice, equality and truth
Have we forgotten the power of our collective voices?
Our chorus of alternative choices that can shed light
If we come together, impassioned, aware, undeterred.
Speak up! Get involved and start to care again!
This is our homeland, our future and our strife!
We should never trade it over for words left unsaid
Or the consequence of our silence is our lives!

Saturday, March 20, 2021



Fear kills more dreams
than failure ever will
so go out there and try
and feel proud that you did.

In a few years you will look back
while remembering how you felt,
don't feel bad, keep your chin up
you did your best, with what is dealt.

Friday, March 19, 2021



the hardest thing in life
is to watch someone you love
love someone else
but, to be lied about it
that is a needless blow

look me in the eyes
and admit it you coward!
don't pretend you still care
don't continue to insult me
with your deceptive words
and poison my heart further
you stabbed me in the heart
now you cry about your wounds?

this is the thing about betrayal ---
dismally, it never comes
from one's enemy
the more you care
the deeper the wound

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

It Is Time


Be here
or be gone
there is no
in between
I have begged
but no more
the end,
it starts here
I have dreamt
now I wake
woeful still
and alone
It is time
to restart
without you
and move on.

Monday, March 15, 2021


We stood there, not moving for a while
sweaty palms, nervous hearts
looking at each other
uncertain of what to do next.

We are here, and now, face to face
both anxious, unsure and afraid
as we search for a hint of hesitation.
Are we looking to find
even a slight glimmer of doubt?

Holding each other's gaze
he weakly smiled, leaned close to me
and reached for the door
I heard a soft click
and I swallowed hard.

Slowly, deliberately,
he wrapped his arms around me.
Unbidden, sorrow welled up inside
as I tried to blink back tears ---
He is false hope,
her love, not mine...

Suddenly, I feel a warm hand cup my face
and as I lifted my gaze
to stare back at those eyes
full of love and kindness,
I feel the warmth of his touch
spread through my whole body.

Sunrise and Sunset

I have always been fascinated with the amazing play of colors in the sky. And although I am not an astronomer or a meteorologist, my years of experience watching the sky and its fabulous cloud formations; sunrises and sunsets, have led me to believe that there is an unusual pattern going on.

Colorful sunrises are breathtaking. The range of colors are just wonderful that even a skilled painter couldn't replicate how majestic they are to behold! But as I have seen over the years, colorful sunrises are a harbinger to a challenging weather during the day. The most colorful sunrises that I have witnessed are mostly during the winter months and right before an upcoming wave of precipitation during the day (excessive rain or snow).

On the other hand, beautiful sunsets that explode with its own wondrous colors tend to promise the opposite. A wonderful sunset forecasts a beautiful weather ahead the day after. Isn't that curious?

As an over-thinker, this prompts me at times to equate sunrises and sunsets with people and relationships. There are certain persons that give you that initial impression of an overwhelming attraction. It is a mixture of all these exciting emotions that you cannot contain, a bombardment of extreme feelings. But as the relationship progress, you realize that the experience you have during that initial contact does not prepare you for the challenges it brings later on. There are those individuals on the other hand that have been there for a long time in your life. And only at the lowest point of your life that you realize their worth. 

Maybe this is the reason why I love sunsets. They give me a sense of comfort after that long tedious journey within the day. It gives me calm and hope and prompts me to a somber reflection. Sunsets for me are a muted reminder that life is short, there is always beauty and a reason to be thankful everyday.

Amazing sunrises still impresses me though from time to time, but I have since learned to prepare for the challenges that comes after.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Falling In Love


We simply do not fall in love with the body,
we fall in love with the soul.

We fall for their thoughts, their hearts
their fears and their hopes
the way they treat other people
and take care of their own
the way they respect their parents
how they worry about their friends
their mindful way about things
and thoughtful ways towards each soul.

Say the right things, do the right things
they bring the sun in your darkest day
a smile, a bubbly warmth, springs forth from your core---
Yes, that's how love is planted my dear.

To be alive, to feel, to soar, to thrive
be enveloped in this mysterious cocktail of emotions
feelings of warmth, of joy, of rapturous delight
sprinkled here and there with anguish and dejection.

All of this and more,
this is how we fall my love,
eyes wide open, and souls bare.
Propinquity or by attraction, who knows?
Falling in love will always remain a mystery, 
reserved for the few brave souls who dare.

Saturday, March 6, 2021


615, 900, 1100, 1224, 922

Within the eternities
of noon and the sunset
intertwined within moments
of unbearable joy
and thoughtful sorrows

With the folly of forgotten garlic,
fresh shrimp and 'dianying'
along with whispered talks
and silent tears
a constant sigh
hangs in the air---
acknowledged yet unspoken.

Locked between the shadow
of measured happiness
and a longing for more
our souls danced together
and time stood frozen to watch.

Here, two lonely half-souls
collide for the first time ---
finally, and at last.

Friday, March 5, 2021


I believe my thoughts are deadly

And my chaotic mind is loud

There are too many individuals living in here

That I often get lost in the crowd

Most people scratch their heads

Trying to figure me out

Who am I going to be today?

Even I have my own doubts

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Just Breathe

Catch your breath
Take your time
Nothing that serious
Is on the line
Doom is just all
Inside your head
Don't overthink
Nor jump far ahead
Things will happen
Days always come
Just do your best
Before the day is done
Don't try to own
Every little blame
Don't try to carry
All of the shame
One step at a time
Live for today
One day at a time
Don't waste time away
Love yourself
Search for that joy
Be here, be present
You're alive, enjoy!